长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶工作室,长沙喝茶论坛,长沙桑拿夜网 喝茶VX But when the words came to my lips, it turned out like this.

But when the words came to my lips, it turned out like this.

"I see."
What happened to yourself just now? Why would you listen to Li Yi so much? Did you just really get scared? It must be so. How can I listen to others at will?
"Well, why did you come out to rob?" Li Yi asked
"I … I … I don’t have the money to make money by robbing," said the robber, lowering his head.
"You have hands and feet. Why can’t you make money by yourself?" Li Yi asked doubtfully.
"Make money by yourself? But when I went to apply, others would rather have a sissy than work for me, "said the robber."
Well, everyone has a difficulty. Now this society is a society where people eat people. Everyone should be prepared to be eaten, and always be prepared to eat others.
"Forget it, I won’t care about anything with you. Find a job yourself and make a better life with your own hands," said Li Yi.
"Then can I go?" The robber asked
"You go, I don’t care about anything," Li Yi said.
In fact, Li Yi didn’t care about anything, but he had a magic gas protector before, and now he has that broken into two knives!
So Li Yi took a step forward and then stepped on the soles of the feet with those two knives.
Heaven and earth, please protect me. Don’t let them see two knives under their feet.
Finally, the robbery went out, and Li Yi was finally relieved.
Li Yi took advantage of Liu Reying’s carelessness to put two knives on her feet directly in her pocket.
"Yingying, how is it?" Li Yi sat next to Liu Reying and asked
"I have always been * good!" Liu Ruoying said
"Well, nothing is good," said Li Yi.
"Li Yi, actually, I want to talk to you about one thing." Liu Reying slowly opened his mouth.
"Oh, I have something. Actually, I have something for you, too," Li Yi said with a smile.
"Then you go first!" Liu Ruoying said
"Ladies first, you go first!" Li Yi smiled and said.
"Li Yi, I’m a teacher. If I tell you to speak first, you can speak first," said Liu Ruoying.
"Well, actually, it was the other day that I came to see you," said Li Yi.
"Oh, you say it!" Re-ying Liu fought back and let herself not say it, and she also did it.
"In fact, I made mistakes that day, and I shouldn’t be angry. There may be some mistakes in my explanation, which made you not understand," Li Yi said.
"Actually, I was wrong about that, too. I shouldn’t blame you without asking what happened," said Liu Ruoying.
"We both made mistakes, so this time it was a misunderstanding. Let’s not take it to heart and be good friends!" Li Yi said
"I used to be a good friend," said Liu Ruoying.
In fact, I want to be Li Yi’s girlfriend. God, Liu Ruoying, how can you have such an idea? You just like Li Yi. Li Yi’s girlfriend is Lin Keer. You are so sorry for Lin Keer.
Renee Liu shook her head to throw away her thoughts.
"Yingying, what’s wrong with you? Did you just get hurt? " Li Yi asked
"Nothing, maybe I just ran a little fast and my head felt dizzy," said Liu Reying, her face slightly red.
"Then you should have a rest first, and then we’ll talk about your business," said Li Yi.
"My things? I have nothing to do. What’s the matter? " Liu ruoying asked
"Nothing. Didn’t you just say that you have something? Why not? It’s not your head, is it?" Li Yi said that he was ready to stretch out his hand * a * Liu Reying head.
"Li Yi what are you doing? There is no problem with my head, "said Liu Reying, seizing Li Yi’s hand.
"Look at all this nonsense and say you have no problem," Li Yi said.
"Where am I talking nonsense Li Yi? You can’t do this," said Liu Reying, somewhat flustered.
"Look at yourself. You said you had something for me before, but now you say you have nothing. Isn’t that sick!" Li Yi said
"Hey, hey, hey, Li Yi, that’s what I just said, okay!" Liu ruoying said some nai
"Well, why didn’t I hear it? Is there something wrong with my ears? It shouldn’t! " Li Yi is also very surprised.
"In fact, what you said about that thing is that I want to say that since you have finished talking, I don’t have anything to say. Isn’t that the end?" Liu ruoying smiled and said
"I faint early know I just don’t say good" Li Yi patted his head and said.
Chapter one hundred and thirty Cooking for dinner
"Well, I’m done. Do you have anything else?" Liu ruoying asked
"Well, where are you going to eat at noon?" Li Yi asked
"Guess!" Liu Ruoying said wittily

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